In February of 2004, the legislation the effect entered that gave to all the consumers of the United States the right to a copy of its prescription of the contact lens (before then, only gave right the consumers in certain states to its Rx). The carriers of the contact lens in the 50 states now have the option of the contact lenses that they buy of his doctor of eyecare (ECP) - a take-everything term for optómetras, the ophtalmologists and opticians - or to around make purchases in the several chains, clubs of the warehouse, and optical sites of Internet. Chasque here for the text of the legislation. Lenses that they buy and fitted obtaining: Two Diverse Things It is important to remember that this law does not eliminate ECPs of the process of the trimming and the contacts that prescribe. In the United States, the contact lenses are an article of the prescription, as soon as like medicines. And even if you already have a prescription of the lens, you need a prescription the contact lens that contains the additional information. Law 2004 belongs buying the lenses they themselves, after the continuous source of contact lenses of the replacement has fitted him - and specially who you will need if you use contacts available. You can buy contact lenses of your doctor of the eye, or of alternative jets of the leneses of the replacement. It was that the contact lenses of the replacement were available only of doctors of the eye. That has changed, but the necessity of regular trimmings of the examinations of the eye and the contact lens is as important as always. Why a prescription? A contact lens is a medical device. If he does not prescribe himself correctly, you cannot see well. More importantly, a lens of the trimming - or one it did of an not adapted material or to his eyes - could give rise bad to malaise, to the inflammation, the swelling, to the abrasion, or to another problem that could, in rare cases, it gives rise to permanent damage of the fine weave of the eye. That, and the risk of the infection, is also porqué is imprudent to share the contact lenses with other carriers. Through the United States, you can be fitted for the contact lenses by optician or an ophtalmologist. In some states, opticians also can be certified to fit the contact lenses. When Its Rx expires? By the contact lens of the law the prescriptions are valid for a minimum of a year, or the minimum required by law of the state, anyone is greater. When its prescription expires, you will not be able to buy more lenses until you obtain an updated prescription. This will imply probably a control by its ECP to be sure that the contact lenses are not affecting on the contrary their eyes.
Near 10 percents of the time when patient visits of the recordativa letter, he notices something that could become a care taken from the problem if not of immediately. He remembers, if they diagnose to him with a lens-related problem, is improbable that you will have permanently to continue to use of contacts. The occasions are you will simply need a diverse size, material or design of the len/s
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Understanding your contact lens prescription
the contact lenses
1:55 AM
tags contact lenses