Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a chronic deficiency of the sufficient lubrication and the humidity in the eye. Their consequences extend of the subtle but constant irritation to the ocular inflammation of fine weaves (front) previous of the eye. Symptoms and dry samples of the syndrome of the eye the persistent dryness, scratching and burning themselves in its eyes is samples of the dry eye Syndrome. These symptoms only can be enough so that his doctor of the eye diagnoses dry eye Syndrome. Sometimes it or it can wish to measure the amount of rasgones in his eyes. A fine strip of the paper of filter put in the edge of the eye, call a test of Schirmer, is a form to measure this. Some people also experience a "foreign sensation of the body," the sensation that something is in the eye. And it can look like uneven, but the sometimes watery eyes can be from dry eye Syndrome, because the excessive dryness works to the production of overstimulate of the watery component of rasgones of its eye. Autoprueba Of Ojo-Q the factors of risk elevated for the chronic dry eye (CDE) include: Hormonal disease autoinmune medical of the conditions of the changes (related to the aging and the menopause) (eg., diabetes) (eg., syndrome of Sjogren) everything of aforesaid rasgones bathes the eye, washing itself outside the dust and of the ruin and maintaining the eye humid. Also they contain the enzymes that neutralize the microorganisms that colonize the eye. Rasgones is essential for the good health of the eye. In dry eye Syndrome, the eye does not produce enough rasgones, or rasgones has a chemical composition that makes them evaporate too much quickly. The dry eye Syndrome has several causes. It happens like part of the natural process of the aging, specially during menopause; like indirect effect of many medications, such as antihistamine, antidepressing, certain medicines of the arterial pressure, medications of Parkinson, and pills of the birth control; or because you live in a dry climate, dusty or windy. If its home or office have the conditioned air or a system of the heating in dry, that one can also dry its eyes. Another cause is cekntelleo little, for example when you are watching fixedly a computer screen all the day. According to the demonstrated thing here, the dry eyes can red and be irritated. The dry eyes can red and be irritated, causing a sensation of scratchiness. The dry eyes are also a symptom of diseases systemic such as lupus, reumatoide, rosacea arthritis or the syndrome of Sjogren (tríada of dry eyes, dry mouth, and reumatoide arthritis or lupus). The long term wearing down of the contact lens is another cause; of the fact, the dry eyes are the complaint commonest between carriers of the contact lens. The recent investigation indicates that the dry wearing down of the contact lens and eyes can be a vicious cycle. The dry contact lenses of the marks of the syndrome of the eye feel uncomfortable, and the frotamiento of the lenses against the conjunctiva looks like to be a cause of dry eyes. The incomplete confinement of the eyelids, the disease of the eyelid and a deficiency of the glands tear-that produce are other causes. Rasgones is made up of three layers: external, the oily one, it castrates of the lipid; the average, watery, lacrimal layer; and the internal, mucous layer or of mucin. Each layer is produced by a diverse part of the eye (the lacrimal gland produces the lacrimal layer, for example), so a problem with nobodies of those sources can give rise to dry eyes. Panoptx DryEyewear. Chasque please here for more information. The sun glasses of Panoptx can help with the dry eyes because they keep outside the wind, of they polen, and the dust with its orbital seal; 99% of carriers in a study disclosed a diminution of total dry symptoms of the eye. Rasgones artificial and other drops of the eye can help him to deal with the dry eyes. The dry eyes of the artificial aid of rasgones feel better. It does not confuse rasgones artificial with the formulas outside which as soon as "it obtains the red one." The salmon is a good source of fatty acids Omega-3. The salmon is a good source of the fatty acids Omega-3, that can reduce their risk for the dry eyes. The sardine, the herrings, and the oils of the codfish liver are even better, or tries a supplement. The dry eye Syndrome is commonest in the women, possibly due to the fluctuations of the hormone. The recent investigation suggests smoking, can also increase its risk of the dry eye Syndrome. To the increasing reputation of the surgery of the eyelid (blepharoplasty) for the improved aspect, the dry complaints of the eye now are associated once in a while to the incomplete confinement of eyelids after a procedure. Treatment for the dry eyes the dry eye Syndrome is a condition in course that cannot be cured (it depends on the cause), but the dryness of support, scratchiness and burning themselves can be handled. His doctor of eyecare can prescribe rasgones artificial, that is lubricating eyedrops that can alleviate the dry one, scratching the sensation. Eyedrops of Restasis (cyclosporine in a base of the oil of the echador) goes a step more far: they help its eyes to increase the production of rasgón. The treatment of Restasis is the first one of its class. Sometimes populate the use the drops with the eye outside which "it is able the red one" to treat his dry eyes. This will not work unless the drops of the eye also contain rasgones artificial, and the formulation "Conseguir-$$$-ROJA-HACIA was" original no. These drops can reduce or eliminate the rojez temporarily, but they do not deal with the cause the rojez, if it is dryness, environmental irritation, or certain a other problem. Not only that, but vasoconstrictors in those formulas that reduce rojez contracting the blood vessels of the eye is addictive, in the sense that in a certain term, is more and more necessary to reach the same effect. And with frequent use, the effect awhile diminishes after, in any case - the blood vessels not constrict simply as much as they did it when you first used the drops. If you use the contact lenses, is found out that many eye drops, specially rasgones artificial, cannot be used whereas their contacts are in their eyes. You will need to clear them before using drops, and waits for 15 minutes or still more long (she verifies the label) before reinsertar the lenses. If its dryness of the eye is smooth, later the drops of the soaking of the contact lens can be sufficient to do that their eyes feel better, but the effect is generally only temporary. Reductions and coupons Verify the label, but mejórela still, check with his optómetra or ophtalmologist before buying any drops to over-the-counter of the eye. It will save probably many to him of money, because he or she will know what formulas are effective and lasting and that they are not, as well as which the drops of the eye will work with their contact lenses. If the problem is environmental, you must always use the sun glasses when outdoors, to reduce the exhibition to the sun, the wind, and the dust. You can wish to try the class that has the foam or another seal in the sides, to keep the wind and the dust to obtain to your eyes in the cover, the bottom, and the sides (it see the photo in this page). Inside, an air cleaner can filter towards outside removes to the dust and other particles from the air, whereas a humectador adds the humidity to the air that is too dry due to the conditioned air or the heating. The Cities De Tejas Dominate Hot spots Of the Dry Eye Superior REDBANK, New Jersey, June of of 2006 - the center of the resource of the health of superior the 100 the national women has named dry eye the hot spots in the United States based on the compiled information of the national datacenter climatic of the oceanic and atmospheric administration and the agency of protection of the medio.ambiente. The factors used in the selection process included the contaminating temperatures, humidity, wind, altitude, agents, and the ocular alergénicos. The 20 superior cities of the named United States as hot spots of the dry eye are: 1. The Fertile valleys, Nevada 2. * Lubbock, Roofing tiles 2. * The Step, Roofing tiles 4. Midland/Odessa, Value De Tejas 5. Dallas/Fort, Roofing tiles 6. City De Atlanta, Lake Salt De Georgia 7, Utah 8. Phoenix, Arizona 9. Yellow, Roofing tiles 10. Honolulu, Hawaii 11. City De Oklahoma, Oklahoma 12. Albuquerque, New Mexico 13. Tucson, Arizona 14. Norfolk, Virginia 15. Newark, Nuevo-Jersey 16. Boston, Massachusetts 17. Denver, Colorado 18. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 19. * Bakersfield, California 19. * Wichita, Kansas * the cities was tied for these points. Silicón temporary or permanent cover inside the conduits lacrimal (of rasgón) maintains rasgones far its eye of the drainage like quickly. The plugs lacrimal called or the plugs punctal, can be inserted without pain whereas you are in the office of the doctor of the eye and she is not felt normally inserted once. His doctor of the eye can insert the plugs punctal in his lacrimales conduits, to the humidity of the eye of the subsistence to drain too much fast. The plugs of Punctal help to conserve the humidity in the eye far keeping rasgones from the drainage too much quickly. The glands meibomian very small in the internal eyelids secretan the lubrication that helps to subsistence the humid eye. A new type of punctal plug done of the acrylic is a small bar that becomes a smooth gel when it is exposed to his heat of the body after the insertion. It is designed to accommodate to the size of any channel of the punctum. The advantages of this type of plug are that a size fits all so the measurement is unnecessary, and nothing stands out of the lacrimal conduit that could potentially cause the irritation. Another new class becomes of hydrogel that is extended in a smooth gel, flexible in the channel of the punctum. It does not have any socket, and it must he need to be cleared, the doctor of eyecare can simply clean it with a water spurt towards outside with the saline solution. With some people, nevertheless, the plugs punctal are not quite effective, so their lacrimales conduits need to be closed surgical. Sometimes the doctors recommend special the nutritional supplements for the dry eyes. The studies have found that the supplements that contain certain essential fatty acids (linoleic and gamma-gamma-linolenic) can diminish dry symptoms of the eye. You could also eat more fishing of the cold-water, such as sardines, codfish, herrings, and salmons, that contain fatty acids Omega-3. Read more on the nutrition and the eyes, as well as the use of the oil of the linseed to release the dry eye. To drink more water can help, also. The smooth dehydration can make worse problems dry of the eye. This is specially truth during the time hot, dry, and windy. But the symptoms of the dry eye Syndrome can simply be improved drinking more water. The institute of the medicine recommends that every day, women needs 91 ounces water and the men need near 125 ounces. The experts agree that near 20 percents of the water their necessities of the body come from the food that you eat, whereas the rest originates of the liquids you you drink. The best options for drinks are water, vegetal fruit of the 100% and juice, and milk. If the medications are the cause of dry eyes, to continue the drug solves the problem generally. But in this case, the advantages of the drug are due to weigh against the indirect effect of dry eyes. Sometimes changing to a diverse type of medication alleviates the dry symptoms of the eye whereas it keeps the necessary treatment. In any case, never it changes or it continues his medications without consulting with his doctor first! To deal with any underlying disease the eyelid, as blefaritis, aid also. This can call for antibiotic or the drops steroids plus the frequent eyelid mop with a anti-bacterial champú. Enough products consist of the test for the possible dry treatment of the eye. For example, trehalose (a carbohydrate) improved dry symptoms of the eye in small studies, but the additional test is necessary. If the wearing down of the contact lens is the cause of its dry eyes, his doctor of eyecare can wish to change to a diverse lens or to cause that you use your lenses by few hours every day. In some cases, he recommends himself that the wearing down of the contact lens is continued altogether until it is the dry problem of the eye cleared for above. Read our related article in what it is possible to be done on malaise of the contact lens. If you are considering LASIK, is found out that the dry eyes can disqualify to him for the surgery, at least until the problem is solved. Its risk for poor curativo dries the increase of the eyes after LASIK, most of the surgeons will so wish to treat the dry eyes first, to assure a good result LASIK. This goes for other types of surgery of the correction of the vision, also.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dry eye syndrome
the contact lenses
1:51 PM
tags contact lenses, dry eye, eye care, eye treatment