Extremities Of the eye care
* Take the diet from the vitamin of A to make the eyes (papaya, the eggs, the fish, milk, the coriander etc.) eyes more shining of the tap with the cold water to obtain chispeantes eyes.
* Put the cucumber sliced on his eyes to treat dark circles.
* Put the slices of the potato in his eye to obtain ruined of those dark circles.
* Soak amla during the night in water and use this water the next morning to wash the eyes.
* Soak the cotton in hot eyes of the milk and the cover of Lucas with him by 15 minutes.
* In order to calm tired eyes, it submerges to the cushions of cooled milk cotton and coloqúelos in the eyes closed by 10 minutes. Now it relaxes totally.
* To totally relax the eyes and muscles, the closing surrounding its eyes and to think something that is pleasant or that calms and about a distance. Now it ábrase the eyes smoothly and it watches in the distance. Following center in an object in the length of the arm. Extremely make east exercise that relaxes four or five times to the day.
* If its nervous contractions of the eye, or their eyes are red and sensation itchy, gives massages to its hairy leather with the curd.
* Amla dry of tsp. in a water cup soaks 1 during the night. Following tension in the morning through a cloth of the then muselina and adds an additional water cup. Sprinkle to his eyes with this solution each morning. This makes its spark of the eyes.
* For The Puffy Eyes: Ralle a potato with its rind and apliqúese in its eyelids closed by near 20 minutes and relaxes totally. You can even take a siesta.
* Lávese the face before sleeping, and that asegúrese of is no maquillaje in its face before you sleep, because, the maquillaje beats can spoil its face because it will be there for the whole night. It is better if any cream is not applied. What I feel I am, I wash the face before sleeping and if in all you wish to apply some cream, as soon as it at night does not apply to the cream and any with exception of that one.