Remember which an athlete can immovable require the protection against injuries during contact sports, no matter that the type of correction of the vision he chooses. If there is any risk of being struck by the fast ball or the other object (like in racquetball, pumpkin, hockey, the etc.), high- the protection of eye is recommended, if you are using contacts or no. Eyeguard of polycarbonate will not twist the vision. Whereas some manufacturers have develSoped the contact lenses that offer the protection against ultra-violet rayses, many lenses no. In any case, the dark sun glasses or eyeglasses are due to use to outdoors protect the eyes in light of the sun, particularly in the sports such as swimming, the ski or the ice-skating of where they can be many of fulgor. Performers&Actors: contact lenses in stage the contact lenses provide a double advantage to the active forms of life of the executants, who can need to change or to heighten their aspect whereas they dance, act or participating in the dramatic activities that can be as vigorous as an important game of the baseball of the league. Before the colored contact lenses were available for the public, the cinema stars used to change them their color of the eye. Audrey Hepburn gained a concession of the academy for the delay until he is dark in 1967, in which she played hidden woman, using the lenses designed specially to do that she appears so. Use and eyes of the computer Instead of starring in the silver screen, or the homemade operations slugging outside Fenway parquean, a great amount of people happens to majority of their workable day in front of a computer screen. By an estimation, almost 90 percents of that people who worked in an exhibition terminal video (VDT) consequently experienced a certain form of problem of the vision. How you say if their symptoms are related to their use of the computer? the VDT-RELATED symptoms happen a certain hour after you begin the work. Then the workable day progresses, its symptoms will get to be acute. Which are the symptoms that are related to the use of the computer?
* Difficulty that focuses after working in a computer, with the vision blurry or double
* Eye strain or fatigue of the eye
* Dolores of head or backaches
* Eyes dry and irritated
* Stiffness or malaise of the neck
* Images deferred when watching far from the screen
* Sensitivity to the illumination
* Espasmos of the muscle Are the environmental factors that could affect their symptoms?
* The shining lights in their peripheral field of view could add to the malaise or the reduced visual operation.
* The light reflected in its screen of computer can diminish the resistance of the characters of the screen and force to him to possibly assume a clumsy position to consider around the fulgor.
The location of its screen could cause the clumsy positioning. In order to determine the cause of your symptoms, you must visit your professional of the care of the eye. Before going to its appointment, nevertheless, to the note of the taking of the atmosphere in which their symptoms happen and in what hours are greatest. This will help greatly to its doctor in the diagnosis. If the eye strain of the computer is the diagnosis, are methods simple to facilitate the malaise:
* it is not centered in a single object by a period of the prolonged time;
* it improves the illumination around his monitor;
* flashing often;
* it ciérrese the eyes frequently, then they far watch in the distance (under a lobby or outside a window) each 15-20 minutes to relax them;
* it feels at least 18-28 inches far from the screen;
* the monitor underneath level of the eye inclines slightly; and
* it maintains his dust screen free to reduce to the minimum present interference visual.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Lifestyle and eye care
the contact lenses
1:48 AM
tags contact lenses, eye care