A woman expresses through her the eyes and therefore you must take special care to make them more expressive and beautiful. We much more bring the extremities to him that will help him to take the care from their eyes and. Dark circle Underneath Eyes the dark circles happen underneath the eyes due to a combination of reasons. He is sensible underneath the eye, because people obtain older. Whereas we age and we received more damage of the sun to our face skin, the fine skin underneath the eye can fine and be wrinkled, that allows that the veins in the fat cushion underneath the eye get to be more prominent. Then the skin is slightly darker here than the rest of its face, any change in health demonstrates for above immediately in this delicate area. Some people think that she happens because she or is tired, or like result of the exhibition of the sun. This one is not typically the case. Sometimes the dark points can be hormonal, but they are often hardly hereditary. The dark points are caused sometimes by the reflections or the mold of the shades by the pumpings of the fat that happen naturally in the lowest eyelids whereas people obtain older. If pumping itself of the fat it is the cause of the dark circles underneath the eyes, then the cosmetic surgery to clear the fat purses is the only approach that is typically effective, with exception of maquillaje of concealer. There are many factors that contribute that they make dark circles around the most sensible eyes. Age - the skin that covers the eyelids diluted as we age and beginning to loosen its elasticity. With the skin being finer the blood vessels below gotten to be more evident. In order to attend the formation of the colágeno and to revitalize its fragile skin around the eyes - taking from an additional supplement of vitamin C considers please (acid ascórbico), after verifying with its facultative doctor. Inheritance - the tendencies such as allergies or eyelids of the deluente pass ignition of the generation to the generation. Allergies - although the allergies are often the fault for the dark circles, any thing that the chronic nasal obstruction of the causes can be the culprit. You can be that she does not have an important medical reaction to a alergénico, as wheezing, to lay down, I sneeze or a closed chest - you could simple have a nose slightly congested, or swollen eyes more of the times. The tests can be made to determine environmental or the allergies of the food with a simple skin scratch the test, an analysis of blood or other alternative types of test. If you have nobodies of tested, and come upon the positive for any article that you could avoid more far possible, the additional mile goes and tries to cut the alergénico outside its sphere to live - he is that environmental or food in origin. Vitamin C is effective allergies of the internal fight. Fatigue, tiredness or deficiency of the dream - tiredness level also will add to the problem of purses underneath its eyes, and specially to those ugly dark circles underneath the eyes. Have a glance in the amount of hours that you to duer and also that she verifies in the amount of hours you to me work in front of your television of the computer or the clock - both these actions put an enormous tension in their eyes. Smoking - you can be that she is not smoked, but the secondary smoke even can affect the way its glance of the eyes. Most of people it will have a violent reaction to smoke, for example the eyes that give return bloodshot or watery, whereas others show their allergy like swollen eyes. Take vitamin C as smoking bush of great amount of this vitamin, whenever you one ignites for above. Ingestion of excess of salt or sodium attempt del?C and reduced in eating the crude salt because it could add to his problem with the retention of the water. Fluid retention - the fluid retention can be an important cause of swollen eyes. Vitamin C is a natural diurética and an increase in this vitamin not only the aids in clearing excess of water of its body, but also it will attend with the formation of the colágeno. Other reasons of dark circles are exhibition of the menstruation, the pregnancy, the thyroid and the excess to the sun. The following ones are few treatments for the dark circle that will help to alleviate them or to conceal. * Submerge to a sponge of cotton in the juice mint recently extracted, rosewater or cold milk. Acuéstese with its raised feet above than its head, and later places the cushions wet in its closed eyes. Remain that way by 10 minutes. Make east newspaper and you will begin to see results after just a short time. * Smoothly give massages to the oil of saffron or almond in the dark area before going away to the bed. * Acuéstese and puts a slice of the cucumber or the potato in each eyelid by near fifteen minutes. * Follow rich of a diet in iron, vitamins and proteins. The deficiencies demonstrate immediately for above like circles underneath the eyes. * You can also use a mixture of the oil of almond or the juice of the cucumber with the juice of the lemon to lighten dark circles. Drink the portions of water and you obtain a pile of rest. Exercise for eyes 1. Siéntese down and relaxes. Breathe normally, and you watch a point between his eyes, on the bridge of his nose. Keep watching of this point for an account of five, and later it relaxes the eyes. The following glance in the extremity of its nose, also to the account of five and relaxes. This exercise will facilitate the tension and it will tensirá it and relax his eyes. 2. Siéntese down and relaxes and watches right in front of you. Inhale and you seem right more far possible, without giving return to his head. Slowly come to the original position and exhale. The same method for the left side repeats. Make east exercise three times. 3. Right Incorpórese and watches down. Inhale slowly and you begin to roll his eyes to the then right and to the cover, in a circular movement. When their eyes have reached the cover, watching towards its eyebrows, beginning that exhala whereas the change of its eyes went away and downwards in a circular movement. Repeat three times
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Lifestyle and eye care
Remember which an athlete can immovable require the protection against injuries during contact sports, no matter that the type of correction of the vision he chooses. If there is any risk of being struck by the fast ball or the other object (like in racquetball, pumpkin, hockey, the etc.), high- the protection of eye is recommended, if you are using contacts or no. Eyeguard of polycarbonate will not twist the vision. Whereas some manufacturers have develSoped the contact lenses that offer the protection against ultra-violet rayses, many lenses no. In any case, the dark sun glasses or eyeglasses are due to use to outdoors protect the eyes in light of the sun, particularly in the sports such as swimming, the ski or the ice-skating of where they can be many of fulgor. Performers&Actors: contact lenses in stage the contact lenses provide a double advantage to the active forms of life of the executants, who can need to change or to heighten their aspect whereas they dance, act or participating in the dramatic activities that can be as vigorous as an important game of the baseball of the league. Before the colored contact lenses were available for the public, the cinema stars used to change them their color of the eye. Audrey Hepburn gained a concession of the academy for the delay until he is dark in 1967, in which she played hidden woman, using the lenses designed specially to do that she appears so. Use and eyes of the computer Instead of starring in the silver screen, or the homemade operations slugging outside Fenway parquean, a great amount of people happens to majority of their workable day in front of a computer screen. By an estimation, almost 90 percents of that people who worked in an exhibition terminal video (VDT) consequently experienced a certain form of problem of the vision. How you say if their symptoms are related to their use of the computer? the VDT-RELATED symptoms happen a certain hour after you begin the work. Then the workable day progresses, its symptoms will get to be acute. Which are the symptoms that are related to the use of the computer?
* Difficulty that focuses after working in a computer, with the vision blurry or double
* Eye strain or fatigue of the eye
* Dolores of head or backaches
* Eyes dry and irritated
* Stiffness or malaise of the neck
* Images deferred when watching far from the screen
* Sensitivity to the illumination
* Espasmos of the muscle Are the environmental factors that could affect their symptoms?
* The shining lights in their peripheral field of view could add to the malaise or the reduced visual operation.
* The light reflected in its screen of computer can diminish the resistance of the characters of the screen and force to him to possibly assume a clumsy position to consider around the fulgor.
The location of its screen could cause the clumsy positioning. In order to determine the cause of your symptoms, you must visit your professional of the care of the eye. Before going to its appointment, nevertheless, to the note of the taking of the atmosphere in which their symptoms happen and in what hours are greatest. This will help greatly to its doctor in the diagnosis. If the eye strain of the computer is the diagnosis, are methods simple to facilitate the malaise:
* it is not centered in a single object by a period of the prolonged time;
* it improves the illumination around his monitor;
* flashing often;
* it ciérrese the eyes frequently, then they far watch in the distance (under a lobby or outside a window) each 15-20 minutes to relax them;
* it feels at least 18-28 inches far from the screen;
* the monitor underneath level of the eye inclines slightly; and
* it maintains his dust screen free to reduce to the minimum present interference visual.
the contact lenses
1:48 AM
tags contact lenses, eye care
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration
When most people plows asked which of to their five senses they would most hate to lose, they often say vision. Sadly, for millions of to older adults, this worst-marries scenario you have eats true. To spot degeneration, which is caused by the destruction of light-sensitive cells in the eye, you cause loss of central vision, which is absolutely essential for reading and driving. Although glaucoma and diabetes plows to better known ace you cause of vision loss, to spot degeneration is responsible for dwells irreversible loss that those two conditions combined. To spot degeneration to researcher Barbara Brody, to professor clinical of ophthalmology and family and preventive medicine AT the Californian University of, San Diego, and the director of the community ophthalmology division AT Shiley Eye Center, is the lead author of to recent study about quality of life in people with to spot degeneration. Below, Brody explains how and why the condition affects vision and how to older adults may learn to adjust to the loss of much of to their sight. What is age-related to spot degeneration? Age-related to spot degeneration (AMD) is to disease of the central retina, which is called the spots. The retina is the tissue AT the back of the eye that transmits images to the brain. The degeneration of cells in the spots affects the ability to see straight ahead. It's the straight-ahead, or central, vision that allows U.S. to have really to clear sight. It allows detail U.S. to see sharp, to read, to drive, to see peoplés phases. Peripheral AMD does not typically affect the vision, or side vision. What plows the different types of the condition? There plows two types of AMD: dry and wet. About 90 percent of the people with to spot degeneration have the dry form of the disease. In this form, there is to slow breakdown of the light-sensitive cells in the spots. This condition may take years to develop, and people usually lose vision very slowly. It eye often happens in one and then may go to the to other eye. The wet form, though less common, is the version of the disease that dog causes to major loss of vision. It occurs when new blood vessels behind the retina start to grow towards the spots. These new blood vessels plows very weak and they dog start to leak or bleed. This damages the spots and you cause rapid vision loss. What plows the risk factors for the condition? The biggest risk factor is advanced age, under the to older we get the dwells AT risk we plows. It affects about 20 percent of people aged 65 and to older, and about 30 percent of people aged 74 and to older.
the contact lenses
2:01 PM
tags eye care, eye treatment
Monday, November 26, 2007
Contact lenses wear tips
Many populate new to the contact lenses, and even some experienced carriers, have practical questions on contacts. These extremities must help him to take care of some daily preoccupations of the contact lens.
What way is the right way?
How to know if its contact lens is inside towards outside. The difference can be subtle, but before placing a contact lens in his eye, it makes sure that it watches more like half of a ball that a bowl of source of the soup. A question much newbie that the carriers have is: "how I will know if my contact lens is inside towards outside" The trick is to place the lens in its finger to form a cup. Then, it maintains the lens for above directly in front of his eyes so you are watching the side of the cup. If the lens forms "Or" with the superior edges indicated by means of lights towards outside, it is inside towards outside. If it forms as soon as a "U," is in the correct position. If you are using the lenses with a direction dye, another method is to place the lens in its yolk of the finger and later to watch down he. The edge of a dyed lens must seem very blue (or to put itself green, depending on the dye); that one will not be the case if the lens is reversed. Some contact lenses also have a mark of the laser, as the mark, in the edge to help him. If you can read it correctly, the lens is not inside towards outside. One does not worry if you place a contact lens in your eye inside towards outside. The lens will feel uncomfortable, but it cannot make no damage. Application Of Its Lenses De Contacto makes sure of you thorough tap its hands before applying its contact lenses, but it excessively avoids the perfumed or oily soaps that could adhere to the surface of the lens. Specially avoid to use the products that contain the lanolina. Some doctors of the eye advise that you always apply the first contact lens in the same eye, so that you avoid the possibility of mixing upon the lenses for the right eye and the left eye. Other basic guidelines for the use of the contact lens include:
Sacudara smoothly its box of lens that contains the solution of the storage, to relax the contact lens if one sticks. (he does not try to throw in the lens with his finger, or you can be that she damages it.)
* The lens of its case and within the palm of its hand slips. Clarify thoroughly with the appropriate solution of the contact lens.
* Place the contact lens in the extremity of his index or middle finger, that must be dry or mainly it dries.
* With the fingers and the thumb of his other hand, it levántese simultaneously in his superior eyelid and down in its lower eyelid.
* Place the lens in his eye whereas it seems ascending or remítala, any you you find to be easier. You also can apply the contact lens closest placing it in the target of the eye to your ear.
* Roll his eyes in a complete circle to help the lens to place, later flashing.
Always clear the hands before clearing the contact lenses. If you are being stopped in front of a sink, she cerciórese with which you use a clean towel of paper to cover dren where the contact lens could fall accidentally. In order to clear the smooth contact lenses, it seems ascending or oblique whereas you throw downwards in your low eyelid the more. With a finger, the lens maneuvers smoothly on the target of its eye. There, you can tweak very smoothly the lens along with your finger and thumb of the index and raise it of the eye. Until you you dominate the retirement of the contact lens, you can be that she considers maintaining of his shortened nails to avoid accidentally to scratch and to damage its eye. The rigid contact lenses can be cleared maintaining outside the palm of their hand, bending it raises, and later being on the aware wide. With a finger of his other hand, he throws in the skin of his eye outside rectum of the corner towards outside towards his ear with his wide eye open themselves. Then flashing. The contact lens must explode to the right was and in of its open palm.
the contact lenses
8:39 PM
tags contact lenses, tips
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Eye Care tips
Extremities Of the eye care
* Take the diet from the vitamin of A to make the eyes (papaya, the eggs, the fish, milk, the coriander etc.) eyes more shining of the tap with the cold water to obtain chispeantes eyes.
* Put the cucumber sliced on his eyes to treat dark circles.
* Put the slices of the potato in his eye to obtain ruined of those dark circles.
* Soak amla during the night in water and use this water the next morning to wash the eyes.
* Soak the cotton in hot eyes of the milk and the cover of Lucas with him by 15 minutes.
* In order to calm tired eyes, it submerges to the cushions of cooled milk cotton and coloqúelos in the eyes closed by 10 minutes. Now it relaxes totally.
* To totally relax the eyes and muscles, the closing surrounding its eyes and to think something that is pleasant or that calms and about a distance. Now it ábrase the eyes smoothly and it watches in the distance. Following center in an object in the length of the arm. Extremely make east exercise that relaxes four or five times to the day.
* If its nervous contractions of the eye, or their eyes are red and sensation itchy, gives massages to its hairy leather with the curd.
* Amla dry of tsp. in a water cup soaks 1 during the night. Following tension in the morning through a cloth of the then muselina and adds an additional water cup. Sprinkle to his eyes with this solution each morning. This makes its spark of the eyes.
* For The Puffy Eyes: Ralle a potato with its rind and apliqúese in its eyelids closed by near 20 minutes and relaxes totally. You can even take a siesta.
* Lávese the face before sleeping, and that asegúrese of is no maquillaje in its face before you sleep, because, the maquillaje beats can spoil its face because it will be there for the whole night. It is better if any cream is not applied. What I feel I am, I wash the face before sleeping and if in all you wish to apply some cream, as soon as it at night does not apply to the cream and any with exception of that one.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Relieving Dry Eye
To use the Oil Of the Linseed to release the Dry Eye the oil of the linseed has been demonstrated in certain studies to be an effective treatment for the dry eye, a condition that affects million Americans. The dry eye can be caused by allergies, the correction of the vision (refracting surgery), and other conditions of the eye [ also sees: ] Flaxseeds dries the Syndrome Of the Eye, also called linseeds, is rich in essential fatty acids, particularly the known beneficial type like Omega-3. These fatty acids work through the body to protect membranes of the cell. The linseed is in several forms. The liquid oil of the linseed is the form easiest to use, but it must be maintained cooled. Although the capsules that contain the oil of the linseed are more advisable, can expensive be compared with the liquid form. A great amount of capsules also can be required to reach the equivalent liquid dose. The dry eyes can be stood out with the regular doses of the oil of the linseed, according to the recent investigation. Some medical experts think that the sources ironed in cold of the oil of the linseed are the best ones to treat the dry eye. Cerciórese of which you subsistence that any oil of the linseed of this type cooled. Flaxseeds of earth also can be used, but they remember that the body cannot digest the seed itself. So if you use flaxseeds, is safe to grind them in a coffee manufacturer first. Later it adds 1 or 2 spoons of soup of flaxseeds of earth to a water crystal and mézclese. All the linseed forms are due to take oral and they are not due to apply to the eye directly. Other extremities for the use of the linseed lubricate for the dry eye For the best absorption, the oil of the linseed is due to take with the food as drinks, requesón, or yogur. Verify the date of victory in the label, because the oil of the linseed spoils quickly particularly in the liquid form that begins to oxidize in the air that the bottle is opened once. Maintain the oil of the linseed cooled for the freshness. In spite of information that you can read on the contrary, the medical experts store for vision sources ironed in cold of the oil of the linseed like most effective. Ironing in cold is the process to extract the oil of the seeds. It is important to avoid to use heat in the process of the extraction, because the oil itself is not termoestable. This means that the heat can damage the delicate oil. Whereas the oil ironed in cold of the linseed can be the most expensive option, it is also a sample of more of high quality. The metering recommended for the use of the oil of the linseed is 1 spoon of soup or 14 g by the day of the liquid form, or 3-6 capsules by the day of the form of the capsule. Like with any type of nutritional supplement, he is essential that you consult to your doctor first before taking the oil from the linseed. Related articles dry Syndrome of the eye Makes to dry doctor of the eye its Eye question the allergies and its relation to the dry eyes a recent study has found that the oil of the linseed can be as effective as a dry medication commonly used of the eye (doxycycline) for the treatment of the dry eye. Colin C. K. Chan, M.D., and Brian S. Boxer Wachler, M.D., disclosed results of its comparative study in annual meeting 2006 of the American society of the cataract and the refracting surgery. The study compared the oral capsules of the oil of the linseed (daily capsules or 3 of magnesium 3,000 to the day) with doxycycline antibiotic (100 magnesium twice a day) for the treatment of the dry eye in the patients who had experienced surgery of the LASIK eye. They twice dealed with to the patients about Eighty-one (152 eyes) with 3,000 the newspaper about magnesium about the oil the linseed or magnesium 100 to the day of doxycycline for seven the surgery of days before and later LASIK. The results of the study indicated that the oil of the linseed was as effective as doxycycline in the prevention of the dry eye after LASIK. A added advantage is that the oil of the linseed has few indirect effect that doxycycline, doing a good alternative to him.
the contact lenses
3:21 PM
tags contact lenses, dry eye, eye treatment
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dry eye syndrome
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a chronic deficiency of the sufficient lubrication and the humidity in the eye. Their consequences extend of the subtle but constant irritation to the ocular inflammation of fine weaves (front) previous of the eye. Symptoms and dry samples of the syndrome of the eye the persistent dryness, scratching and burning themselves in its eyes is samples of the dry eye Syndrome. These symptoms only can be enough so that his doctor of the eye diagnoses dry eye Syndrome. Sometimes it or it can wish to measure the amount of rasgones in his eyes. A fine strip of the paper of filter put in the edge of the eye, call a test of Schirmer, is a form to measure this. Some people also experience a "foreign sensation of the body," the sensation that something is in the eye. And it can look like uneven, but the sometimes watery eyes can be from dry eye Syndrome, because the excessive dryness works to the production of overstimulate of the watery component of rasgones of its eye. Autoprueba Of Ojo-Q the factors of risk elevated for the chronic dry eye (CDE) include: Hormonal disease autoinmune medical of the conditions of the changes (related to the aging and the menopause) (eg., diabetes) (eg., syndrome of Sjogren) everything of aforesaid rasgones bathes the eye, washing itself outside the dust and of the ruin and maintaining the eye humid. Also they contain the enzymes that neutralize the microorganisms that colonize the eye. Rasgones is essential for the good health of the eye. In dry eye Syndrome, the eye does not produce enough rasgones, or rasgones has a chemical composition that makes them evaporate too much quickly. The dry eye Syndrome has several causes. It happens like part of the natural process of the aging, specially during menopause; like indirect effect of many medications, such as antihistamine, antidepressing, certain medicines of the arterial pressure, medications of Parkinson, and pills of the birth control; or because you live in a dry climate, dusty or windy. If its home or office have the conditioned air or a system of the heating in dry, that one can also dry its eyes. Another cause is cekntelleo little, for example when you are watching fixedly a computer screen all the day. According to the demonstrated thing here, the dry eyes can red and be irritated. The dry eyes can red and be irritated, causing a sensation of scratchiness. The dry eyes are also a symptom of diseases systemic such as lupus, reumatoide, rosacea arthritis or the syndrome of Sjogren (tríada of dry eyes, dry mouth, and reumatoide arthritis or lupus). The long term wearing down of the contact lens is another cause; of the fact, the dry eyes are the complaint commonest between carriers of the contact lens. The recent investigation indicates that the dry wearing down of the contact lens and eyes can be a vicious cycle. The dry contact lenses of the marks of the syndrome of the eye feel uncomfortable, and the frotamiento of the lenses against the conjunctiva looks like to be a cause of dry eyes. The incomplete confinement of the eyelids, the disease of the eyelid and a deficiency of the glands tear-that produce are other causes. Rasgones is made up of three layers: external, the oily one, it castrates of the lipid; the average, watery, lacrimal layer; and the internal, mucous layer or of mucin. Each layer is produced by a diverse part of the eye (the lacrimal gland produces the lacrimal layer, for example), so a problem with nobodies of those sources can give rise to dry eyes. Panoptx DryEyewear. Chasque please here for more information. The sun glasses of Panoptx can help with the dry eyes because they keep outside the wind, of they polen, and the dust with its orbital seal; 99% of carriers in a study disclosed a diminution of total dry symptoms of the eye. Rasgones artificial and other drops of the eye can help him to deal with the dry eyes. The dry eyes of the artificial aid of rasgones feel better. It does not confuse rasgones artificial with the formulas outside which as soon as "it obtains the red one." The salmon is a good source of fatty acids Omega-3. The salmon is a good source of the fatty acids Omega-3, that can reduce their risk for the dry eyes. The sardine, the herrings, and the oils of the codfish liver are even better, or tries a supplement. The dry eye Syndrome is commonest in the women, possibly due to the fluctuations of the hormone. The recent investigation suggests smoking, can also increase its risk of the dry eye Syndrome. To the increasing reputation of the surgery of the eyelid (blepharoplasty) for the improved aspect, the dry complaints of the eye now are associated once in a while to the incomplete confinement of eyelids after a procedure. Treatment for the dry eyes the dry eye Syndrome is a condition in course that cannot be cured (it depends on the cause), but the dryness of support, scratchiness and burning themselves can be handled. His doctor of eyecare can prescribe rasgones artificial, that is lubricating eyedrops that can alleviate the dry one, scratching the sensation. Eyedrops of Restasis (cyclosporine in a base of the oil of the echador) goes a step more far: they help its eyes to increase the production of rasgón. The treatment of Restasis is the first one of its class. Sometimes populate the use the drops with the eye outside which "it is able the red one" to treat his dry eyes. This will not work unless the drops of the eye also contain rasgones artificial, and the formulation "Conseguir-$$$-ROJA-HACIA was" original no. These drops can reduce or eliminate the rojez temporarily, but they do not deal with the cause the rojez, if it is dryness, environmental irritation, or certain a other problem. Not only that, but vasoconstrictors in those formulas that reduce rojez contracting the blood vessels of the eye is addictive, in the sense that in a certain term, is more and more necessary to reach the same effect. And with frequent use, the effect awhile diminishes after, in any case - the blood vessels not constrict simply as much as they did it when you first used the drops. If you use the contact lenses, is found out that many eye drops, specially rasgones artificial, cannot be used whereas their contacts are in their eyes. You will need to clear them before using drops, and waits for 15 minutes or still more long (she verifies the label) before reinsertar the lenses. If its dryness of the eye is smooth, later the drops of the soaking of the contact lens can be sufficient to do that their eyes feel better, but the effect is generally only temporary. Reductions and coupons Verify the label, but mejórela still, check with his optómetra or ophtalmologist before buying any drops to over-the-counter of the eye. It will save probably many to him of money, because he or she will know what formulas are effective and lasting and that they are not, as well as which the drops of the eye will work with their contact lenses. If the problem is environmental, you must always use the sun glasses when outdoors, to reduce the exhibition to the sun, the wind, and the dust. You can wish to try the class that has the foam or another seal in the sides, to keep the wind and the dust to obtain to your eyes in the cover, the bottom, and the sides (it see the photo in this page). Inside, an air cleaner can filter towards outside removes to the dust and other particles from the air, whereas a humectador adds the humidity to the air that is too dry due to the conditioned air or the heating. The Cities De Tejas Dominate Hot spots Of the Dry Eye Superior REDBANK, New Jersey, June of of 2006 - the center of the resource of the health of superior the 100 the national women has named dry eye the hot spots in the United States based on the compiled information of the national datacenter climatic of the oceanic and atmospheric administration and the agency of protection of the medio.ambiente. The factors used in the selection process included the contaminating temperatures, humidity, wind, altitude, agents, and the ocular alergénicos. The 20 superior cities of the named United States as hot spots of the dry eye are: 1. The Fertile valleys, Nevada 2. * Lubbock, Roofing tiles 2. * The Step, Roofing tiles 4. Midland/Odessa, Value De Tejas 5. Dallas/Fort, Roofing tiles 6. City De Atlanta, Lake Salt De Georgia 7, Utah 8. Phoenix, Arizona 9. Yellow, Roofing tiles 10. Honolulu, Hawaii 11. City De Oklahoma, Oklahoma 12. Albuquerque, New Mexico 13. Tucson, Arizona 14. Norfolk, Virginia 15. Newark, Nuevo-Jersey 16. Boston, Massachusetts 17. Denver, Colorado 18. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 19. * Bakersfield, California 19. * Wichita, Kansas * the cities was tied for these points. Silicón temporary or permanent cover inside the conduits lacrimal (of rasgón) maintains rasgones far its eye of the drainage like quickly. The plugs lacrimal called or the plugs punctal, can be inserted without pain whereas you are in the office of the doctor of the eye and she is not felt normally inserted once. His doctor of the eye can insert the plugs punctal in his lacrimales conduits, to the humidity of the eye of the subsistence to drain too much fast. The plugs of Punctal help to conserve the humidity in the eye far keeping rasgones from the drainage too much quickly. The glands meibomian very small in the internal eyelids secretan the lubrication that helps to subsistence the humid eye. A new type of punctal plug done of the acrylic is a small bar that becomes a smooth gel when it is exposed to his heat of the body after the insertion. It is designed to accommodate to the size of any channel of the punctum. The advantages of this type of plug are that a size fits all so the measurement is unnecessary, and nothing stands out of the lacrimal conduit that could potentially cause the irritation. Another new class becomes of hydrogel that is extended in a smooth gel, flexible in the channel of the punctum. It does not have any socket, and it must he need to be cleared, the doctor of eyecare can simply clean it with a water spurt towards outside with the saline solution. With some people, nevertheless, the plugs punctal are not quite effective, so their lacrimales conduits need to be closed surgical. Sometimes the doctors recommend special the nutritional supplements for the dry eyes. The studies have found that the supplements that contain certain essential fatty acids (linoleic and gamma-gamma-linolenic) can diminish dry symptoms of the eye. You could also eat more fishing of the cold-water, such as sardines, codfish, herrings, and salmons, that contain fatty acids Omega-3. Read more on the nutrition and the eyes, as well as the use of the oil of the linseed to release the dry eye. To drink more water can help, also. The smooth dehydration can make worse problems dry of the eye. This is specially truth during the time hot, dry, and windy. But the symptoms of the dry eye Syndrome can simply be improved drinking more water. The institute of the medicine recommends that every day, women needs 91 ounces water and the men need near 125 ounces. The experts agree that near 20 percents of the water their necessities of the body come from the food that you eat, whereas the rest originates of the liquids you you drink. The best options for drinks are water, vegetal fruit of the 100% and juice, and milk. If the medications are the cause of dry eyes, to continue the drug solves the problem generally. But in this case, the advantages of the drug are due to weigh against the indirect effect of dry eyes. Sometimes changing to a diverse type of medication alleviates the dry symptoms of the eye whereas it keeps the necessary treatment. In any case, never it changes or it continues his medications without consulting with his doctor first! To deal with any underlying disease the eyelid, as blefaritis, aid also. This can call for antibiotic or the drops steroids plus the frequent eyelid mop with a anti-bacterial champú. Enough products consist of the test for the possible dry treatment of the eye. For example, trehalose (a carbohydrate) improved dry symptoms of the eye in small studies, but the additional test is necessary. If the wearing down of the contact lens is the cause of its dry eyes, his doctor of eyecare can wish to change to a diverse lens or to cause that you use your lenses by few hours every day. In some cases, he recommends himself that the wearing down of the contact lens is continued altogether until it is the dry problem of the eye cleared for above. Read our related article in what it is possible to be done on malaise of the contact lens. If you are considering LASIK, is found out that the dry eyes can disqualify to him for the surgery, at least until the problem is solved. Its risk for poor curativo dries the increase of the eyes after LASIK, most of the surgeons will so wish to treat the dry eyes first, to assure a good result LASIK. This goes for other types of surgery of the correction of the vision, also.
the contact lenses
1:51 PM
tags contact lenses, dry eye, eye care, eye treatment
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Silicon Hydrogel Contact lenses
Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses To new generation of "super-permeable" contact lenses dog transmit unprecedented amounts of oxygen to your cheats on and, in some you marry, inable 30 consecutive days of to wear without removal. Silicone hydrogel contact lenses represent to breakthrough to over traditional hydrogel soft contact lenses, because silicone lets under much oxygen (essential for to healthy cheats on) pass through the lens. "Wére talking about lenses that breathe six to seven times dwells oxygen than previous lenses," says P. Douglas Becherer, O.D., to former Chairman of the American Optometric Association's Contact Lens and Cornea Section. Silicone hydrogel contact lenses have caught on with both wearers and eye care practitioners. By 2009, silicone hydrogel lenses plows expected to account for dwells than two-thirds of U.S. soft contact lens salts (in dollars), according to equity research firm Robert W. Baird & Co. How Silicone Hydrogel Lenses Work Traditional soft contact lenses plows made from hydrogel polymers (soft, water-containing plastics). The plastic itself is not oxygen permeable, under the to water performs the job of carrying oxygen through the lens to the eye. But to water dog carry only under much oxygen - and the dwells to water to lens contains, the to greater its tendency to dehydrate to after long periods of to wear. Silicone is oxygen permeable. Under silicone hydrogel lenses uses both to their to water and to polymer content to transmit oxygen to the eye. The benefits to wearers include comfort and convenience: * Silicone hydrogel contact lenses contain less to water than traditional hydrogel lenses. Ace to result, they aren't ace prone to dehydration while yoúre wearing them. For some people who to wear to their lenses for long days, this dog pisses to better end-of-day comfort. * Silicone hydrogels also have made 30-day contact lens to wear - sometimes called "continuous to wear" - available eleven again. 30-Day Contact Lens Wear Initial The heyday of 30-day to wear was in the 1980s, but that ended due to health and safety concerns. Today's new silicone hydrogel contact lenses provide much dwells oxygen to the eye than most conventional soft contact lenses, making 30-day you extend to wear to safer option than before. Ace well, the lenses plows discarded and replaced monthly, preventing long-term buildup of deposits on the lens surface. The safety of 30-day silicone hydrogel lens to wear is illustrated by to recently completed clinical study. Approval ace part of its of lenses Night & Day contact for 30-day to wear, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration required lens to manufacturer CIBA Vision to conduct to post-approval study. For one to year, the study followed the experiences of 6.000 people who were prescribed Night & 30 for Day up to nights of consecutive to wear. In the study, the incidence of microbial keratitis (an infection that dog result in vision loss) was less than 0,18 percent, and the rate of microbial visual keratitis resulting in reduction of acuity was less than 0,04 percent. These rates plows to higher than for daily to wear, but plows still considered reasonable by many for ace to tradeout the benefits of continuous to wear. In addition, to British study conducted AT the University of Manchester and published in 2005 found that people who slept in traditional hydrogel lenses were five times dwells likely to develop lenses keratitis than those sleeping in silicone hydrogel.
the contact lenses
4:45 PM
tags contact lenses
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Understanding your contact lens prescription
In February of 2004, the legislation the effect entered that gave to all the consumers of the United States the right to a copy of its prescription of the contact lens (before then, only gave right the consumers in certain states to its Rx). The carriers of the contact lens in the 50 states now have the option of the contact lenses that they buy of his doctor of eyecare (ECP) - a take-everything term for optómetras, the ophtalmologists and opticians - or to around make purchases in the several chains, clubs of the warehouse, and optical sites of Internet. Chasque here for the text of the legislation. Lenses that they buy and fitted obtaining: Two Diverse Things It is important to remember that this law does not eliminate ECPs of the process of the trimming and the contacts that prescribe. In the United States, the contact lenses are an article of the prescription, as soon as like medicines. And even if you already have a prescription of the lens, you need a prescription the contact lens that contains the additional information. Law 2004 belongs buying the lenses they themselves, after the continuous source of contact lenses of the replacement has fitted him - and specially who you will need if you use contacts available. You can buy contact lenses of your doctor of the eye, or of alternative jets of the leneses of the replacement. It was that the contact lenses of the replacement were available only of doctors of the eye. That has changed, but the necessity of regular trimmings of the examinations of the eye and the contact lens is as important as always. Why a prescription? A contact lens is a medical device. If he does not prescribe himself correctly, you cannot see well. More importantly, a lens of the trimming - or one it did of an not adapted material or to his eyes - could give rise bad to malaise, to the inflammation, the swelling, to the abrasion, or to another problem that could, in rare cases, it gives rise to permanent damage of the fine weave of the eye. That, and the risk of the infection, is also porqué is imprudent to share the contact lenses with other carriers. Through the United States, you can be fitted for the contact lenses by optician or an ophtalmologist. In some states, opticians also can be certified to fit the contact lenses. When Its Rx expires? By the contact lens of the law the prescriptions are valid for a minimum of a year, or the minimum required by law of the state, anyone is greater. When its prescription expires, you will not be able to buy more lenses until you obtain an updated prescription. This will imply probably a control by its ECP to be sure that the contact lenses are not affecting on the contrary their eyes.
Near 10 percents of the time when patient visits of the recordativa letter, he notices something that could become a care taken from the problem if not of immediately. He remembers, if they diagnose to him with a lens-related problem, is improbable that you will have permanently to continue to use of contacts. The occasions are you will simply need a diverse size, material or design of the len/s
the contact lenses
1:55 AM
tags contact lenses
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Vision correction - See what's new
The correction of the vision has come a long way from the décimotercero century in which the first pair of spectacles was made nailing together the handles of two lenses that magnified. Today, the surgical progresses in the correction of the vision, as well as advances in eyeglasses and traditional contact lenses, can potentially improve the vision of a person to improve that the optimal range of "20/20." It is not no surprise, later, that the employee of people on crystals or the contact lenses is visiting his specialists of the eye-care, hoping to find a fast adjustment for some historical problems of the vision between the arsenal of new techniques, products and technologies. Learning on some of the common disorders that they can threaten the vision and how the eye "sees" can help to determine the best treatment him to correct its vision. It is also important to understand the advantages, the disadvantages, and the limitations that come with procedures and aids from the correction from the vision. How the eye sees Have 20/20 vision means to see in 20 feet one what person with the normal vision sees in 20 feet. A person who has 20/40 vision can see in 20 feet which sees the person with the normal vision in 40 feet. Et cetera. The eye "really does not see" objects. In place, it sees the light that the objects reflect. In order to consider clearly, the light that presses the eye must double or "refract" through the cornea -- the clear window in the front of the eye that it provides most of the energy that focuses. The then light travels through the lens, where fine- it tempers to be centered correctly in the layer of the nerve that aligns the posteriora part of the eye -- the retina -- and sent to the brain via the optical nerve. The retina acts like the film in a camera, and the clear vision is only reached if the light of an object is centered exact in her. If no, the image is guarded that you see. This is called a refracting error. The refracting errors happen generally in healthy eyes of another way. They are caused mainly by an ocular globe, a cornea or a formed imperfect lens. There are four basic types of errors: Myopia or nearsightedness -- the near objects appear acute but those in the distance are guarded. The ocular globe is longer than normal of the front to move backwards, images enfoqúese so in front of the retina in time in of her. Hyperopia or farsightedness -- the distant objects can be considered clearly but the objects for above close are guarded. The ocular globe is shorter than normal, the images focus so behind the retina. The astigmatism -- the objects are guarded in any distance. The cornea, the lens, or the both not to be shrewdly centered images in the retina form. Eye of presbyopia or the aging -- the eye loses its capacity to change the center due to the natural process of the aging. This happens generally between 50, ages 40 and connection to wish description the crystals, the contact lenses, and the attempt of the surgery of the eye of the laser to reduce refracting errors making rays light is centered correctly in the retina. Surgery Of the Eye Of the Laser -- a Popular Alternative the surgery of the eye of the laser thinks for the people who wish to reduce to the minimum her dependency on crystals or the contact lenses. The surgery of the laser can provide the correction of the vision similar to what would be obtained with crystals or the contact lenses. People under impression that the surgery can improve its vision beyond which he can see with crystals or the contact lenses, nevertheless, will be probably disappointed. To a great extent, the greatest increase of the interest of the surgery of the eye of the laser has recently been in a called procedure "keratomileusis in situ of the laser," popular well-known like LASIK. The publicity for this technique appears prominent in the plugs of the diffusion, including the Internet and in newspapers and compartments. Luckyly, it says that Terrence P. ÓBrien, M.D., spokesman for the American academy of ophtalmology (AAO), most of the surgeons and of the medical centers it is making a good work educate to the public on the risks and the advantages of LASIK. "only the patients need to be informed in advance very well," he says. LASIK permanently changes the form of the cornea, and it is made for the degrees that vary of nearsightedness, of farsightedness, and the astigmatism. A surgical knife, call microkeratome, is used to cut to a fin in the cornea, leaving a hinge in an end of the fin. The then fin bends again to reveals the average layer of the cornea, call the weave connector. The pulses of a laser controlled by computer of excimer vaporize a portion of the weave connector and the then fin is replaced. Clearing this fine weave, the form of the central cornea is changed, and the refracting error is reduced. ÓBrien, that is also director of the refracting surgery in the institute of the eye of Wilmer in the university of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, has been made on 10,000 surgeries of the eye. However, he notices that the people who consider LASIK need to be careful ads that makes promises excessive. the "price does not have to be the first factor" in the consideration to have delicate surgery of the eye, he says. "the blindness populates secondly with the fear only to the cancer, and just then they would not consider a discount operation of the heart or opened surgery of the brain of the budget, they do not have to take an occasion with its eyes." The true fight, he says, is in doctors of the training. "the technology more outpost and the exact will of the laser give poor results if you do not have an experienced surgeon, able." This last big drum on the ahora-más-comprable advantage of LASIK, joined with some pretty attractive results, makes surgery one of the most exciting options of the correction of the vision available. The doctors say that LASIK gives a fast visual recovery, with minimum pain, and little or anything of postoperating malaise. In fact, most of the people who experience LASIK, as Beth Polazzo -- one of the patients of ÓBrien -- can see to lead well enough immediately after surgery, and has generally excellent vision within one week. "it had good vision immediately," says 54-year-old Brooklyn, N.Y., resident, although an eye had to be possible retired officer. "this one is the best one than I have seen since it was seven years as an older person." The laser makes its work on each eye in less than a minute, and the patients are typically again to work or normal activities in the term of three days. Whereas most of people he is satisfied with the results of his surgery, ÓBrien says that, like with any medical procedure, there are implied risks. Some include: excessive or underneath-treatment; the incapacity to use the contact lenses; permanent loss of vision; reduction in the quality of the vision including the development of the fulgor, the halos, and starbursts; difficulty with night-leading; and vision reduced in déviles conditions of the illumination. The risks bend when both eyes treat in the same time. Also, LASIK is not reversible. That one is porqué in the case of Polazzo, ÓBrien undercorrected intentionally its eye of the distance. "we aimed for monovision modified," he we explained, who means that an eye would close see for above whereas the other would be corrected to see distances. But Polazzo experienced a certain regression in its eye of the distance -- that is to say, its vision of the distance began to get worse whereas it returned to nearsightedness -- some weeks that followed surgery. Nevertheless, due to undercorrection initial, ÓBrien it could fix the problem. To Ralph Rosenthal, M.D., director of the division of the administration of the food and the drug of the oftálmicos devices and the ear, the nose and the throat in the center for the devices and the radiological health, say that nobody knows the effects long term of the surgery of the eye of the laser. "just we cannot still know that," he says, so when people call to look for a guarantee in the years for the success of the procedure, "I cannot give one them." Before LASIK that experiments, Rosenthal says that people must weigh the risks carefully and the advantages based on which is important for him, and potential the indirect effect, including the pros and the con of doing or ambo eyes to do ignition the same day. It is also important to avoid of being influenced by the friends who have had surgery or doctors of LASIK that animate to patients who do so. A second procedure of the laser today used as an alternative to LASIK is keratectomy photorefractive, or PRK. Although ÓBrien says that less than 5 percents of people they experience PRK, continues being the procedure of the option for certain conditions of the eye. This type of refracting surgery form again smoothly the cornea by microscopic amounts that they clear of fine weave of the external surface with a fresh beam of ultraviolet light, controlled by computer, nevertheless, does not imply cutting. The procedure takes only some minutes, and the patients are typically again to daily routines in five to seven days. The clinical studies indicate that near 5 percents of containers of PRK they continued needing crystals for the vision the distance that followed the surgery, and crystals of the necessity of up to 15 percents once in a while, for example when leading. In addition, many populate the experienced smooth corneous haze after the surgery, that is part of the normal curativo process. The haze appeared to have little or nothing of effect in the final vision, and it was possible to be only considered by a doctor underneath a microscope. It stops near 5 percents of patients of PRK, the vision good-corrected without the corrective lenses slightly worse era after surgery than before. These conditions, nevertheless, improved or disappeared in most of people in six months. Another new one, less-invader procedure of the laser -- indicated temporarily to reduce hyperopia -- is directing exclusively to people on 40. Keratoplasty thermal of the laser, or LTK, implies zapping of 16 points in the external piece of the cornea to contract the fine weave. People can leave 30 minutes after the procedure and reassume generally normal activities the following day. The LTK advantage is that it is a procedure of "no tact", meaning is little occasion of the infection or the loss of vision there. The disadvantage is that the procedure is considered temporary since returns the effect of the treatment -- for much people, on half of the correction goes away in the term of two years. Another disadvantage is that people can become nearsighted the first six weeks, enough to require crystals to lead, and its vision can fluctuate per weeks after the surgery. Rosenthal wishes people who consider surgery of the laser to carefully know and to weigh the pros and the con. the "FDA assigned it that the manufacturers of all lasers of excimer make available to populate a patient informative pamphlet," by mandate says, that it explains this information. If the doctor cannot offer one, Rosenthal says that you must request he. The experts say that the trustworthiness of the correction of the vision of the laser is absolutely good in smooth moderating the levels of refracting errors. But he populates desperate so that the clear necessity of the vision understands the dangers. The patient satisfied with the surgery of the laser is one who has realistic expectations and a careful understanding of the risks and the possible complications of the refracting surgery. Lenses De Contacto -- More Options If you are interested in the contact lenses that use for the first time, or is considering an improvement for the comfort and the convenience, to discuss the last innovations with their doctor of the eye-care will help to make their options easier and to reduce to the minimum the risks. The advances in the materials for the lenses of the precision have made the smooth and rigid gas the permeable contacts -- both main groups of the contact lens -- an option for more people. These medical devices become of many diverse types of plastic, and offer numerous options. With daily wearing down or lenses (at night) extended of the wearing down, the options include frequents or the disposable plan-replacements, materials, bifocals, UV-blocking contacts, and more. There are clear lenses, dyed, opaque, spherical and cleared. So where somebody begins when deciding if the contact lenses are the right option for the correction of the vision, and what to choose? Hal Balyeat, M.D., professor of ophtalmology in the university of the institute of dean To McGee Eye de Oklahoma, say that the people satisfied with her correction of the vision can not need to seem very distant. "if you are already a carrier satisfied with the contact," he says, "you you cannot consider other options of merit when you are using your contacts as well as you you are." The satisfied carriers do not have any allergy typically and they have not developed a intolerancia to the contact lenses. The bottom: If the contact lenses are working for you, Balyeat you say, he is hard to justify other options, such as permanent alteration of the laser of healthy eyes of another way. Balyeat mentions its wife, Marilyn, like example. Although it was a good candidate to the surgery of LASIK, she decided on the contacts of monovision -- centers of a lens surround for above whereas the other lens corrects for the vision of the distance. "in 60," she it says, "I can immovable read without crystals." And that, says to its husband, is the single more important factor: "if you have taste of being able to take towards outside your contacts and still to see upon closing, the surgery is not a compensation of merit." Balyeat adds that much people do not make that the surgery of the laser, made in people on 40, will not let to him consider upon closing without crystals or the contacts unless you choose by monovision LASIK. The quality of the contact lens continues improving. The smooth contacts contain to divide 25 percents for 79 percents of water, they are easy to fit to, and are more comfortable than the permeable lenses of the rigid gas (RGP), thanks to its capacity to be satisfied to the eye and to absorb the water. The smooth lenses are not probable to explode towards outside or to capture the foreign material as dust underneath, because the Additional-fine smooth lenses are the hard lenses are available for the very sensible eyes. Whereas the capacity to carry out the permeability of smooth lenses, he of the oxygen of the increases of the water also makes more fragile. And the smooth lenses are more probable to absorb chemical agents and the remainders in the hands of the carrier. The RGP lenses are more durable and resistant to the accumulation of the deposit, and give the clarificante, one more a more fragile vision generally. They tend to be less expensive on the life of the lens, but the initial cost is often more stop. RGP makes contact with enemy with finally several years, whereas the smooth contacts, depending on the type, are meant to be replaced after the periods that extend as of a day around a a year. In addition, the RGP lenses can be marked to demonstrate what lens is why eye, and they it is less probable to be torn or to tear, doing them easier to direct. Nevertheless, it often takes several weeks to obtain used to use the rigid lenses, compared with several days for the smoothness. Many changes are happening in the world of available (defined by the FDA according to the rejected used thing once and) and frequent or the plan-replacement makes contact with enemy with. The last innovations include the daily disposable materials, bifocals and the contacts toric for the astigmatism. "he is healthier to replace the lenses more often," says that James Saviola, O.D., head of the ramifica vitreoretinal and devices extraocular in the FDA. "and if you reuse your lenses, you need to do something more than in the saline solution." The FDA approved in 2000 that first "no-they rub" the solution of the cleaning for the contact lenses. The solution adds a safeguard for the people who do not rub her lenses -- but if -- when cleaning. first solution applied initially less No-rubs the directions for this of the lenses replaced within a month or. Now, it has been extended to include the lenses that are replaced after a month or more. Other products also are available that it has no-rub the directions for the lenses replaced within a month. But Saviola remembers people who in some cases, rubbing continue being necessary to maintain her lenses clean. A new generation of the materials of the lens is studying. The lenses done of these materials provide a greater amount of permeability of oxygen, say Saviola. Two types have received the approval of FDA, one by seven days of continuous wearing down, the other by 30 days. Others, such as the continuous contact of the wearing down 30-day, now is being considered. The most serious preoccupations of security with any distribution of the contact lens with use at night, or extend-use. Rigid or smooth, to use these types of contacts it increases during the night the risk of the corneous ulcers -- eruptions infection-caused in the cornea that can lead to the blindness. The symptoms include changes of the vision, rojez of the eye, malaise of the eye, and the excessive torn one. Extend-use the rigid lenses also can cause the new unexpected formation, sometimes undesirable of the cornea. Saviola advises that that maintains the lenses clean, replacing them often, and using them as prescribed by its specialist of the eye-care increases the security of contacts that use. People do not have to use the contact lenses more of length than the time prescribed by her doctor of the eye-care. But what it or it prescribes, she is safe to request written instructions and to follow them carefully. The patient fillings of the package accompany generally the contact lenses, and Saviola accentuates that people who are not offered this information by her doctors must request he. For that they have not been able to use contacts, the implantables lenses can be an option in the future. Orthokeratology Orthokeratology, or ortho-K-K, are a procedure that uses the contact lenses of RGP to change the curvature of the cornea to improve its capacity to refract light and to be centered successfully in objects. Desemejante de regular RGPs, RGPs ortho-K-K has a design that can again form the curvature of the cornea. This method, nevertheless, does not produce a permanent result. With ortho-K-K conventional, the lenses are used near eight hours to the day. After the cornea has reached the best form after the optimal vision, the lenses are less frequently used -- perhaps by some hours every two or three days. If somebody begins and later he continues ortho-K-K, Saviola says, the corneas will return possible to its natural state. People choose refracting surgery of excessive ortho-K-K because the effects of Ortho-K are not permanent. A disadvantage of ortho-K-K is that the clear vision can fluctuate during the day. Also, ortho-K-K can take many months to change the vision of a person. One more a technique well-known outpost as takings "ortho-K-K" accelerated less time, and can be recommended to reach a fast effect. From 1998, Saviola says that the FDA has cleared a number of lenses ortho-K-K of the daily wearing down, but the lenses ortho-K-K have at night not been approved. The best candidates to the prescription ortho-K-K are the people of any age that has low amounts of nearsightedness or of the astigmatism. The goal is to bring the vision of the person at least to 20/40. But for some, the will ortho-K-K provides 20/20 vision. Corneous segments Of Anillo In 1999, the FDA approved a procedure surgical not-laser to correct small amounts of nearsightedness. The corneous segments of the ring are very small, clear the pieces in medialuna of plastic polymer that they are implanted in the cornea. The segments of the ring again form the cornea so that it gets to be flatter, allowing than approach slight rays on the retina and producing the acute vision. The procedure takes near 15 minutes and it becomes on a base of the patient noncommitted. Before surgery, the drops of anesthesia are put in the eyes. Smooth the corneous ring still is studying to treat hyperopia and the astigmatism, although these applications have not been approved by the FDA. Several others you implant intraeyeglasses and corneous, of several companies, also they are in several stages of the clinical study. Eyeglasses -- the Old safe Resource In some cases, the modern technology can provide the best option of the correction of the vision. In those cases in which it cannot, eyeglasses can often help. The crystals correct refracting errors adding or reducing energy that focuses to the cornea and the lens. The needed energy to be centered images directly in the retina is moderate in diopters. This measurement is also its prescription of the lens. Like the contact lenses, the crystals come in all the forms and sizes, offering an arsenal of the options for the function and the way. The marks of the lens, for example, are more durable and tout the materials such as "new metals titanium and of the memory." The lenses are deluente, and more hard lighter. The options of the lens include the layer antireflective, the bifocal dyes light-that they change, lenses (line-free) progressive, and polycarbonate -- the most resistant material to the shocks of the lens available. Perhaps the greater worrisome aspect for the carriers of the lens is the constant sensation something that feels in the nose, in spite of the advances such as the crystals of featherweight. Water Paul Trossevin that falls, W.Va., knows to all uncomfortable sensation something the too much well perched permanently in his nose. Like a scar that never descolora, the crystals of Trossevin have been with him every day since it was 4 years as an older person. Now 35, he says, "was a time at which he would have made any thing to obtain ruined of my crystals." Or he thought so. Although he could never use the contact lenses due to the severe plain of his cornea, Trossevin was a candidate to surgery of the eye of the laser. But a thing that he could not obtain from any doctor was a guarantee that after the surgery he did not consider starbursts and halos around the lights -- a great preoccupation since he leads a good part of the day and plays baseball at night. "the guarantee was everything," he says. "when it could not give that me, my crystals acquired the new meaning suddenly -- a guarantee of the good Vista that they have given me by more than 30 years." Anticipar Between some of the most intriguing progresses in the vision-correction the pipe is an alternative to LASIK, call LASEK, to a new avenue for the refracting surgeons who disturbe the fine weave less corneous than his contrapartes sound-resemblances. It also has to char it of the investigation devices that could be put within the eye to correct refracting errors. During the next decade, there are safe to be improvements in techniques and present technologies, in addition to new procedures. Extremities Of the Eye Whereas you cannot make any thing on age or genetic maquillaje, you can eat a balanced diet, the sun glasses of the wearing down that blocks the ultraviolet light, and is able regular examinations of the eye to help to maintain the good vision. The regular examinations of the eye are important because they can detect early samples of the disease long before the disease leads to the loss of the vision. The doctors recommend that each one has an examination of the eye shortly after birth, and at least every few years until age 40. After that, the eyes are due to routinely verify every 2 or 3 years.
the contact lenses
2:01 PM
tags contact lenses, eye care, lasik