Friday, November 30, 2007

Dark circle under eyes

A woman expresses through her the eyes and therefore you must take special care to make them more expressive and beautiful. We much more bring the extremities to him that will help him to take the care from their eyes and. Dark circle Underneath Eyes the dark circles happen underneath the eyes due to a combination of reasons. He is sensible underneath the eye, because people obtain older. Whereas we age and we received more damage of the sun to our face skin, the fine skin underneath the eye can fine and be wrinkled, that allows that the veins in the fat cushion underneath the eye get to be more prominent. Then the skin is slightly darker here than the rest of its face, any change in health demonstrates for above immediately in this delicate area. Some people think that she happens because she or is tired, or like result of the exhibition of the sun. This one is not typically the case. Sometimes the dark points can be hormonal, but they are often hardly hereditary. The dark points are caused sometimes by the reflections or the mold of the shades by the pumpings of the fat that happen naturally in the lowest eyelids whereas people obtain older. If pumping itself of the fat it is the cause of the dark circles underneath the eyes, then the cosmetic surgery to clear the fat purses is the only approach that is typically effective, with exception of maquillaje of concealer. There are many factors that contribute that they make dark circles around the most sensible eyes. Age - the skin that covers the eyelids diluted as we age and beginning to loosen its elasticity. With the skin being finer the blood vessels below gotten to be more evident. In order to attend the formation of the colágeno and to revitalize its fragile skin around the eyes - taking from an additional supplement of vitamin C considers please (acid ascórbico), after verifying with its facultative doctor. Inheritance - the tendencies such as allergies or eyelids of the deluente pass ignition of the generation to the generation. Allergies - although the allergies are often the fault for the dark circles, any thing that the chronic nasal obstruction of the causes can be the culprit. You can be that she does not have an important medical reaction to a alergénico, as wheezing, to lay down, I sneeze or a closed chest - you could simple have a nose slightly congested, or swollen eyes more of the times. The tests can be made to determine environmental or the allergies of the food with a simple skin scratch the test, an analysis of blood or other alternative types of test. If you have nobodies of tested, and come upon the positive for any article that you could avoid more far possible, the additional mile goes and tries to cut the alergénico outside its sphere to live - he is that environmental or food in origin. Vitamin C is effective allergies of the internal fight. Fatigue, tiredness or deficiency of the dream - tiredness level also will add to the problem of purses underneath its eyes, and specially to those ugly dark circles underneath the eyes. Have a glance in the amount of hours that you to duer and also that she verifies in the amount of hours you to me work in front of your television of the computer or the clock - both these actions put an enormous tension in their eyes. Smoking - you can be that she is not smoked, but the secondary smoke even can affect the way its glance of the eyes. Most of people it will have a violent reaction to smoke, for example the eyes that give return bloodshot or watery, whereas others show their allergy like swollen eyes. Take vitamin C as smoking bush of great amount of this vitamin, whenever you one ignites for above. Ingestion of excess of salt or sodium attempt del?C and reduced in eating the crude salt because it could add to his problem with the retention of the water. Fluid retention - the fluid retention can be an important cause of swollen eyes. Vitamin C is a natural diurética and an increase in this vitamin not only the aids in clearing excess of water of its body, but also it will attend with the formation of the colágeno. Other reasons of dark circles are exhibition of the menstruation, the pregnancy, the thyroid and the excess to the sun. The following ones are few treatments for the dark circle that will help to alleviate them or to conceal. * Submerge to a sponge of cotton in the juice mint recently extracted, rosewater or cold milk. Acuéstese with its raised feet above than its head, and later places the cushions wet in its closed eyes. Remain that way by 10 minutes. Make east newspaper and you will begin to see results after just a short time. * Smoothly give massages to the oil of saffron or almond in the dark area before going away to the bed. * Acuéstese and puts a slice of the cucumber or the potato in each eyelid by near fifteen minutes. * Follow rich of a diet in iron, vitamins and proteins. The deficiencies demonstrate immediately for above like circles underneath the eyes. * You can also use a mixture of the oil of almond or the juice of the cucumber with the juice of the lemon to lighten dark circles. Drink the portions of water and you obtain a pile of rest. Exercise for eyes 1. Siéntese down and relaxes. Breathe normally, and you watch a point between his eyes, on the bridge of his nose. Keep watching of this point for an account of five, and later it relaxes the eyes. The following glance in the extremity of its nose, also to the account of five and relaxes. This exercise will facilitate the tension and it will tensirá it and relax his eyes. 2. Siéntese down and relaxes and watches right in front of you. Inhale and you seem right more far possible, without giving return to his head. Slowly come to the original position and exhale. The same method for the left side repeats. Make east exercise three times. 3. Right Incorpórese and watches down. Inhale slowly and you begin to roll his eyes to the then right and to the cover, in a circular movement. When their eyes have reached the cover, watching towards its eyebrows, beginning that exhala whereas the change of its eyes went away and downwards in a circular movement. Repeat three times